Saturday 9 February 2013

What Are Different Types of Disc Jockey Jobs?

Disc jockey jobs include those that are performed at a radio station, club or special event. In some cases, a disc jockey may do more than one of these types of jobs, either making special appearances for a radio station as a promotion, or to earn money on the side. No matter what career path is chosen, many disc jockey jobs are very similar. Even those inside a radio station often require a great deal of public interaction.

It is for this reason that most disc jockey jobs are not merely jobs that require selecting songs and running a broadcast, though these may be very important aspects of the disc jockey job description. Rather, a disc jockey must be a person that relates well to people. In the studio, the disc jockey is often one of the first contacts the general public has, answering a studio line to take requests, running contests and other interactive experiences. Disc jockeys that enjoy this type of work will find there are plenty of opportunities, as the most popular ones will have a great deal of public interaction.
Radio disc jockey jobs involve doing show preparation, running the broadcast, and dealing with listeners. In some cases, a disc jockey will be responsible for securing interviews with local personalities, or personalities within the music genre. In other cases, the format may simply call for playing music, updating sports, news and weather, and handling other general duties. While a disc jockey shift may last eight or more hours, they are seldom on the air that long.

Other disc jockey jobs are based at night clubs. These are usually part-time positions. The person performing the duties of a disc jockey in this setting is therefore likely to be a student, or will have another full-time or part-time job. Further, a live disc jockey may be required every night of the week at busier clubs, or only on weekends, depending on the crowd levels and expectations. This type of job can provide a good, steady part-time income for those interested in the work.

For those who want to start their own business, becoming a disc jockey is one way to do it. Privately-contracted disc jockeys are often in demand for weddings and other special events. Due to the fact many of these events happen on weekends, it is very easy for an individual to also have a full-time job. Doing this type of job on the side will require investment in equipment, lighting and sound systems. This could get to be very expensive.

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